Special Needs Toys

Toys for special children - Special Needs Toys

Toys for special and particular children or children with disabilities

A child must be located in different areas to develop. Usually, the setup is not equally present. Children prefer to play with toys that match their biggest talent. This can lead to sided development. Usually that's not as dramatic and all areas have a time to get covered. It is good to watch or be given enough opportunities in the area to do so. For this purpose, the so-called the food pyramid for toys has been devised, which consists of the following categories:

constructive toys The child invents something to do and works according to a plan for a goal. 
cognitive toys The brains are challenged. The child is encouraged to think about a solution.
creative toys The child likes working with materials and make something beautiful. 
Social toy The child learns to work with other children.
motor challenging toys The child is encouraged to move.
Source: Balance in toys 

Consider not only the right balance in the supply of the toy. Children are roughly divided into four types:

the go-getters; the thinkers and like to play in their own way.
the rawers; want action, space and clear results.
the builders; the controllers. In every situation, they'll see a game option. 
the watchers; keep track. They mainly use their senses and emotions in the game.

At Per Sempre Toys, all children are special, and in this section 'toys for special children' we try to offer special children the toys that suit a particular talent or restriction or customize to develop additional one particular area. For example, children with autism, but also for a child with disabilities.

Often toys for a special children or a child with disabilities have multiple functions and do not just fit into one or two categories. Therefore look around in other categories that are obvious to you.

Are you looking for special children toys or for child with disabilities and cannot find it? Get in touch with us, and we will see if we can find it for you!